Slow cooker chocolate fudge.

I don't make this too often because of the obvious it isn't  too good for you.
Its very easy to make though.

You will need a tin of condensed milk
Dash of vanilla essence
knob of butter
400g of chocolate (any)

Chuck everything in the slow cooker. I had chocolate bars and buttons I used up what I have laying round

Keep stirring every 10-15 minutes with the slow cooker on low, I had a timer on for 10 minutes.
When you get to around 30 minute mark tun it up to high and keep stirring again every 10 minutes.

It could be ready sooner you will know when it is as it starts to thicken.

Pour a lined (lipped) tray with grease proof paper I add sprinkles on the tops of mine when I poured and smoothed it down...Be careful the sauce will be really hot!

Once its cool place it in the fridge for around 4 hours, it could take longer to set I left mine in over night. But we did take of fine little people to see Ghostbusters at the pictures last night for the 30th anniversary.

Take fudge out the fridge and cut it in the bite size chunks and store in an air tight container.
This should keep well for up to two weeks, if it will last that long.


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