No heating till November

I have challemged myself not to put the heating on till November first at the very least, but lately its been rather chilly here, and the damp is making it worse. I am hoping I can resist put the heating for a little bit longer. Although I don't think it's going to be very fair on my own children as thy go on their room on a night and do their own thing...In our house its always the upstairs that feels the coldest in the house.
I think what I am going to have to do is at the very least is have the heat on the childrens bedrooms.

Today to keep warm I have been drinking hot drinks and using a hot water bottle.

Tips I do to keep warm while avoiding using the heating...
Hot water bottles although I do know some people don't like to use these.
Hot drinks,
Another favourite of my my fleece dressing gown
Closing windows although i would suggest that you have the windows open first thing in a morning for a time this will help keep away damp and mould. If the house does get damp it will make it feel colder.
Wearing extra layers (again dressing gown)
If possible try baking at least that will warm the place up a bit will keep you motivated and will keep you as well.
Draw curtains I draw the curtains across my door when it gets chilly even during the day.
Heavy lined curtains if your budget will allow this or maybe if its possible back the curtains with another pair...I have ring top curtains so can hang them up together, behind each other
Keep all doors closed
Cling film on the windows. Although am not sure how to do this I know someone that does and swears by it.
Sitting with a blanket over your legs
Extra blankets on the bed
A fleece blanket over the mattress that will make you feel warmer in bed. Blankets over the sofas and chairs to sit on will make you feel warmer too
Carefully placed candles makes a room feel warmer some how, they will also give the room a nice warm glow.

This all I can think of for the moment.
Am sure there will be plenty more ideas here and there.

Spend since I last logged in this is food shopping, clothes, extra like kids spending their pocket money which we kept for them other bits and Christmas presents. Which am glad to say that Christmas is almost done.

Total spend


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