2 Years since?

I really can't believe that is has been 2 years since I last blogged here.
I'm back and determent to stick with it this time finances have changed so ultimately so has our budget, so last week was the start instead of leaving veg that didn't get used up in time to rot in my fridge I blanched and frozen (some I frozen simply out of convenience.)

Bag of Spinach I got around 5 hand fulls in bags ready for curries or maybe smoothies.
7 Peppers
5 Onions
2 Red Onions
2 corn on the corn cut in to 4

I understand the Mushroom and the Spinach won't hold well after been defrosted but they'll only be going in to curries or other sauces so will be fine.

Yesterday I made a big pan of lentil soup with 2 other parsnips that needed using 1 sweet potatoes, the leek I had frozen and carrots, Ham joint/shank and lentils I just cooked them all up in the pan.
The ham I used to make a stock will be used in the next meal, which I think will be "The good old British" Ham, Egg, and Chips.

Today's spend £0

Pictures will follow again soon once I learn my way around here again and work out my camera phone... I'm not the most tech savvy person.


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