The Eco friendly washing detergent

Looking though plenty of blogs and sourcing the internet i keep stumbling on this "world famous" laundry gloop.
I'm all for saving money and as this uses a minim ingredients is helping our environment along the way, its super cheap and super easy to make.
And magic ingredients you need? Soda crystal and plain soap (this time I used a lemon scented soap to see the results or would that be smell the results)

Washing came out clean and smelling clean.  We have a good breezy but warm day too so hopefully washing should be all dry by tonight.

Its made very easy.
Bar of plain white soap, I think you can get 3 pack for less than £1
Soda crystals
Water (4liters)
Essential oil (optional) Lavender or which ever you like the smell of.
Heavy pan (I used my pressure cooker pan)

Grate the soap
 Add liter of hot water to the pan a stir under a slow heat
Add up to a cup of soda crystals i used around 8oz
continue to add hot water up to 4 liters.
Once done add it to a container or several once its cool enough and at this point once its warm and you wish add around 10 drops of you chosen essential oil, it will turn to jelly depend on how much water you decide to add once the gloop has gone cold.

Add around half a cup to a cup depending what is being washed really soiled clothes will probably require a cup dark loads less.  Always add the gloop  to the drum of your washer, NEVER in the drawer.


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